Hemingway E. Death in the afternoon.

Place of publication: Moscow Year of publishing: 1934 Pages and Illustrations: 272 p. Size: 130 x 200 mmTranslation of the First Translation Team.Lifetime edition. The first translation into Russian of one of the most important works of Hemingway... read more >


England. Collection of new works. Series: Library of the "Red Niva".

Place of publication: USSR Typography: Red Niva Year of publishing: 1924 Pages and Illustrations: 104 p. The first translation of Joyce into the Russian language. This edition consists of stories by English writers and includes translation of ".. read more >

$1 500.00

Beecher Stowe Harriet. Uncle Tom's Hut.

Place of publication: Saint-Petersburg Typography: Typ. of Military educational institutions. Year of publishing: 1858 Pages and Illustrations: 478 p.The history of this publication is very interesting. The novel, which depicts the horrors of slav.. read more >

$1 500.00

Bazhov Pavel. Tales of the Germans.

Place of publication: Sverdlovsk: SverdggizYear of publishing: 1943Pages and Illustrations: 55 sec.Cover and drawings of the artist Tauber V. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov (1879 - Moscow) — a Russian and Soviet writer, folklorist, journalist. He gained.. read more >
